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2024-2025 Brock Ambassadors
Meet our Brock Ambassadors!
Learn more about where they’re from, their program of study, future plans, and more.

Pronouns: She/Her
Hometown: Mississauga, Ontario
Program: Concurrent Education – Intermediate / Senior (Teachables in English and History)
Plan for life after Brock: Start teaching & eventually become a principal!
Extracurriculars at Brock: I’m a tutor and peer facilitator at Learning Services & a research assistant for Brock’s Human Rights and Equity Office!
#1 item on my BrockU Bucket List: Hike Decew falls
Advice I would give my 1st year self: Don’t be afraid to try new things!
My favourite thing about Niagara is… The Write Bookshop on St. Paul Street

Pronouns: He/Him
Hometown: Mumbai, India
Program: Sport Management
Plan for life after Brock: To work in sports and hopefully in MLSE
Extracurriculars at Brock: SOCS Assistant for Student Life, Street Team for BUSU, Events Member for the Sport Management Council, FAHSSA member and Smart Start Team Assistant
#1 item on my BrockU Bucket List: Meeting the President
Advice I would give my 1st year self: Be involved and have fun! Everything will work out as it should!
My favourite thing about Niagara is… Hanging out at the Pen Centre!

Pronouns: She/Her
Hometown: Georgetown
Program: Concurrent Education – Junior/Intermediate (Teachable in French)
Plan for life after Brock: Work for an NGO researching patterns in global education
Extracurriculars at Brock: Brock Cheer, Brock Dance, BUSU-AC, BUVA
#1 item on my BrockU Bucket List: Visit the Blue Ghost Tunnel
Advice I would give my 1st year self: Get involved!
My favourite thing about Niagara is… There are so many things to do.

Pronouns: She/They
Hometown: St. Catharines
Program: BA in Music
Plan for life after Brock: Going to Teacher’s College to start my journey as a music educator!
Extracurriculars at Brock:
#1 item on my BrockU Bucket List: Getting to help out with more tours around the MIWSFPA
Advice I would give my 1st year self: Don’t stress, it’s not as scary as you think. Make a plan that works for you and remember that not everything is going to come easy.
My favourite thing about Niagara is…

Pronouns: She/Her
Hometown: Port Perry, Ontario
Program: Recreation and Leisure Studies with a concentration in Therapeutic Recreation
Plan for life after Brock: I hope to do some personal travelling before settling down. After travelling, I hope to work in a long-term care setting, providing meaningful activities for the aging population.
Extracurriculars at Brock: Volleyball Intramurals, Experience BU events
#1 item on my BrockU Bucket List: Making new connections & meeting new people.
Advice I would give my 1st year self: Everyone’s path looks different. Make the most of every minute and put yourself out there. Live with no regrets.
My favourite thing about Niagara is… Niagara Grape & Wine Festival.

Pronouns: She/Her
Hometown: Oakville, Ontario
Program: Concurrent Education – Junior/ Intermediate (Teachable in Math)
Plan for life after Brock: I plan to be an elementary school teacher.
Extracurriculars at Brock: I am part of the Brock Ambassadors and Catholic Christian Outreach (CCO).
#1 item on my BrockU Bucket List: To go to the Grape Stomp.
Advice I would give my 1st year self: Don’t worry so much about university, it’s really not as bad as you think.
My favourite thing about Niagara is… The Brock universal bus pass.

Pronouns: She/Her
Hometown: Welland, Ontario
Program: Concurrent Education – Intermediate/Senior (Teachables in Visual Arts and History)
Plan for life after Brock: After Brock, I plan on going on to becoming an art teacher at a high school somewhere in the Niagara region or the province.
Extracurriculars at Brock: Brock Pride
#1 item on my BrockU Bucket List: The #1 item on my BrockU Bucket List would be to attend one of the Tuesday Trivia Nights on main campus!
Advice I would give my 1st year self: I would tell my 1st year self to set aside time for myself in my schedule. Sometimes juggling all the different courses and work loads in university can be a lot, so it is always a good idea to set time aside to recharge. It helps with avoiding burn out and you can easily incorporate small breaks and such throughout the day to reduce stress and overworking yourself.
My favourite thing about Niagara is… Downtown St. Catharines and the flourishing arts community. There’s always so much to do down there and I love all the little shops and cafes along St Paul Street.

Pronouns: She/Her
Hometown: Iroquois, Ontario
Program: Business Communications
Plan for life after Brock: My plan for life after Brock is to either return to school for a masters degree, or land a job working in sales and marketing whether that’s working for the university or for another company. I’d like to live and work near a city, but not be in the city.
Extracurriculars at Brock: I am a part of two on campus church/ministry groups, Power to Change and Intervarsity. I love these groups and it’s where I met the majority of my closest friends. It’s a great way to get involved and find a community you feel a part of on campus.
#1 item on my BrockU Bucket List: #1 item on my bucket list is to do a semester abroad.
Advice I would give my 1st year self: Don’t be shy! Just try everything, go to random club meetings, go to welcome week events, talk to random people. Make the most of your 1st year and use the resources available to you.
My favourite thing about Niagara is… Favourite thing is Niagara Falls, it’s so close and so much fun every time I go.

Pronouns: She/Her
Hometown: Niagara Falls, Ontario
Program: Accounting Co-op
Plan for life after Brock: I want to get my CPA designation!
Extracurriculars at Brock: I’m the President of Brock’s Social Knitwork Club, the Director of Mentorship for the Brock Women in Business, and a member of the Brock Leader’s Citizenship Society!
#1 item on my BrockU Bucket List: Complete my Campus Wide Co-Curriculum!
Advice I would give my 1st year self: Get involved and push yourself out of your comfort zone! Remember that everyone else is in the same boat as you, so don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and try something new!
My favourite thing about Niagara is… Old Town Niagara-on-the-Lake! There are so many great stores and restaurants, and I always feel like I’m in a Hallmark movie walking around there!

Pronouns: She/Her
Hometown: St. Catharines, Ontario
Program: Biomedical Sciences
Plan for life after Brock: I plan to pursue graduate education in the field of neuroendocrinology, specifically how pregnancy and parenthood alter the brain.
Extracurriculars at Brock: I am a member of Med Plus and the Women in Medicine club!
#1 item on my BrockU Bucket List: Graduating
Advice I would give my 1st year self: Don’t stress, everything will work out in the end!
My favourite thing about Niagara is… The amount of wineries!

Pronouns: She/They
Hometown: Niagara Falls, Ontario
Program: Studio Art, minor in History
Plan for life after Brock: Attend teachers’ college and become a high school art and history teacher to share my love of art and history with others.
Extracurriculars at Brock: I worked at the campus art store and as a gallery attendant at the Marilyn I. Walker.
#1 item on my BrockU Bucket List: To have my artwork accepted into the yearly juried show held in the gallery at our downtown campus.
Advice I would give my 1st year self: Speak to your academic advisor regularly, be sure you understand your program as you’re going through it.
My favourite thing about Niagara is… The beautiful parks and nature trails located all along the Niagara Escarpment.

Pronouns: She/Her
Hometown: Portland, Ontario
Program: Forensic Psychology and Criminal Justice
Plan for life after Brock: I am hoping to pursue a Master of Social Work and eventually work as a social worker in corrections.
Extracurriculars at Brock: Intervarsity, Brock Leaders Citizenship Society, and Brock’s Social Knitwork
#1 item on my BrockU Bucket List: Complete the Campus Wide Co-Curriculum!
Advice I would give my 1st year self: Don’t be afraid to just try! There are so many new opportunities, so don’t be afraid to try something new even if it’s unfamiliar.
My favourite thing about Niagara is… Lakeside Park in Port Dalhousie

Pronouns: He/Him
Hometown: Whitby, Ontario
Program: Concurrent Education – Intermediate/Senior (Teachables in English & French)
Plan for life after Brock: Become a Permanent Teacher in Durham Region or somewhere in the Greater Toronto Area!
Extracurriculars at Brock: Basketball Intramurals, various clubs like the Tamil Student Association (TSA), ConEd Student Association (CESA) and French Club!
#1 item on my BrockU Bucket List: Attending a Live Music Event at Issac’s!
Advice I would give my 1st year self: Consider every opportunity that comes your way! Experience is your best teacher so do not shy away from new opportunities and experiences!
My favourite thing about Niagara is… The balance of the beautiful nature and the pretty city life all in one place.

Pronouns: She/Her
Hometown: Orillia, Ontario
Program: Child Health
Plan for life after Brock: After graduation, I want to take a year, travel and work, and then go on to get my Master of Social Work. My end goal is to work with children either in a school setting as a Registered Social Worker or within my own practice.
Extracurriculars at Brock: I volunteer with the Supporting Neurodiversity through Adaptive Programming (S.N.A.P.), and I am also a dancer with a Brock University Student Union (BUSU) supported club, Brock Dance.
#1 item on my BrockU Bucket List: The Steel Blade Classic! 3rd year at Brock and I still haven’t gone!
Advice I would give my 1st year self: It’s okay to ask for help! Take advantage of the resources on campus, they’re there for a reason (and chances are you’re already paying for them too!). Also, get up for your 8am. Just do it. I know it seems difficult in the moment but you can do it!
My favourite thing about Niagara is… The Niagara escarpment! I’m a big fan of hiking and walks, so I love going on hikes through quarry view and Decew falls.

Pronouns: They/Them
Hometown: St. Catharines
Program: Concurrent Education – Intermediate/Senior (Teachables in Visual Arts and Geography)
Plan for life after Brock: Start my career as a teacher while continuing to develop my own artistic practice and body of work!
Extracurriculars at Brock: Brock Pride
#1 item on my BrockU Bucket List: Attend all of the Marilyn’s gallery openings!
Advice I would give my 1st year self: Get connected with more peers and profs and try new things, it will help you connect to your subject area even further.
My favourite thing about Niagara is… The vibrant arts scene and local businesses in the St. Catharines downtown core!

Pronouns: She/Her
Hometown: St. Catharines, Ontario
Program: Nursing
Plan for life after Brock: After graduating from Brock, I hope to work as a relief nurse and then become a nurse practitioner!
Extracurriculars at Brock: FAHSSA member, Smart Start Team Assistant, volunteer at the Black Student Success Centre, and former executive of a club.
#1 item on my BrockU Bucket List: The #1 item on my BrockU Bucket list is to visit the Level 3 Containment lab!
Advice I would give my 1st year self: To my 1st year self, I would tell myself to explore more of the career opportunities available to me on campus.
My favourite thing about Niagara is… My favourite thing about Niagara is the small businesses and tight knit community.

Pronouns: She/Her
Hometown: Georgetown, Ontario
Program: Concurrent Education – Intermediate/Senior (Teachables in Math and Physics)
Plan for life after Brock: After graduation, I plan on working as a high school math teacher! I am excited to teach students and inspire young minds.
Extracurriculars at Brock: I am a part of the Student Recruitment team as a Brock Ambassador as well as I am an executive of the Student Hellenic (Greek) Association.
#1 item on my BrockU Bucket List: Go to every Badgerfest Event
Advice I would give my 1st year self: Put yourself out there! Join as many clubs and participate in as many Brock events as you can! Your experience at Brock is what you make of it, so be sure to use all of the services and events.
My favourite thing about Niagara is… The amount of different things it has to offer! You can go to the Falls, go to Sunset Beach, downtown, Port Dalhousie, cross the boarder and so much more! We also have milder winters.

Pronouns: He/Him
Hometown: Hamilton, Ontario
Program: Combined major in Labour Studies and Sociology
Plan for life after Brock: I’d like to apply for the Consecutive Education program in the Junior/Intermediate stream, but I’m also interested in a future career at Brock.
Extracurriculars at Brock: Brock Call Campaign and Start with Strategies Summer Transition Program
#1 item on my BrockU Bucket List: Go to the CoCo Bubble Tea located in the library!
Advice I would give my 1st year self: Get more involved! Though there are always opportunities to gain knowledge, I wish I had done more to help ease myself into my first year!
My favourite thing about Niagara is… The Great Canadian Midway Arcade!

Pronouns: She/Her
Hometown: St. Catharines, Ontario
Program: Political Science with a concentration in Public law
Plan for life after Brock: In the process of applying to graduate schools and law schools and seeing where that takes me.
Extracurriculars at Brock: Law Plus Student, Brock Amicus Curiae, Brock Model United Nations, Pakistani Student Association.
#1 item on my BrockU Bucket List: Complete my Campus Wide Co-Curriculum
Advice I would give my 1st year self: The years will fly by before you know it! Take the time to figure out what works for you, don’t compare your self to others and their progress. And do things outside of your comfort zone! The years will be over before you know it!
My favourite thing about Niagara is… Restaurants on Lakeport.

Pronouns: She/Her
Hometown: Ogun State, Nigeria
Program: Public Health
Plan for life after Brock: Impacting lives through my job as a health practitioner and pursue a master’s degree and eventually a PhD
Extracurriculars at Brock: Mentor at Black Student Success Centre, Senior Volunteer at Brock University Volunteer Association
#1 item on my BrockU Bucket List: Grape Stomp
Advice I would give my 1st year self: Everything gets better when you are relentless.
My favourite thing about Niagara is… The fact that the University I attend is located in a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve.

Pronouns: She/Her
Hometown: Richmond Hill, Ontario
Program: Concurrent Education – Junior/Intermediate (Teachable in French), Minor in Educational Studies and Psychology
Plan for life after Brock: After graduating from Brock, I want to become an elementary or middle school teacher and possibly teach Core French!
Extracurriculars at Brock: Participated in a study abroad program in France and an exchange program in the Netherlands, member of the Brock French Club, Smart Start Team Assistant, International Learning Program Student Assistant, Living Learning Community Peer Mentor
#1 item on my BrockU Bucket List: Join an intramural sports team!
Advice I would give my 1st year self: Remember that everyone is in the same boat as you! Everyone is trying to make new friends, find their way around campus, and adjust to life at Brock, so you will always find people to meet and talk to who have the same questions, worries, and goals as you!
My favourite thing about Niagara is… Niagara Falls and Clifton Hill! It is always a great place to visit with your friends and you will always find something to do!

Pronouns: She/Her
Hometown: Meadow Lake, Saskatchewan
Program: Medical Sciences
Plan for life after Brock: I hope to attend medical school and become a pediatrician!
Extracurriculars at Brock: Community Engagement Assistant with Student Life & Success, Brock University Volunteer Association (BUVA), BUSU Board of Directors member, Vice-President of the Black Indigenous People of Colour (BIPOC) Collective.
#1 item on my BrockU Bucket List: Climb Brock’s rock wall
Advice I would give my 1st year self: Don’t hesitate to explore new interests! Attend improv events, join intramurals, or take a language class. You won’t know what you enjoy until you give it a try!
My favourite thing about Niagara is… Avondale Dairy Bar’s ice cream!

Pronouns: She/Her
Hometown: St. Catharines, Ontario
Program: Dramatic Arts with a concentration in Performance
Plan for life after Brock: To find work in the theatre industry and do what I love – perform!
Extracurriculars at Brock: I will be acting in our upcoming Winter Mainstage production of Ovid’s Metamorphoses, adapted by Mary Zimmerman and directed by Gyllian Raby.
#1 item on my BrockU Bucket List: To meet Boomer the Badger
Advice I would give my 1st year self: Take risks, seek challenges, and keep being yourself!
My favourite thing about Niagara is… The bustling theatre scene here! There are so many opportunities for students like myself to get involved in creative projects within the community.

Pronouns: She/Her
Hometown: Mississauga
Program: Concurrent Education – Junior/Intermediate (Teachable in French), Minor in French Studies and Educational Studies
Plan for life after Brock: Become a French teacher!
Extracurriculars at Brock: Throughout my time at Brock, I was on the Cheer team (I was also captain of this team for a few years), I was a member of BLCS, Women in Sport, completed the Campus Wide Co-Curriculum (CWC) and have been a Brock Ambassador since my second year.
#1 item on my BrockU Bucket List: Use the ropes course!
Advice I would give my 1st year self: Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it, in any aspect of your life, there’s always someone or something to help you out!
My favourite thing about Niagara is… Exploring the nature and all the yummy places to eat!

Pronouns: She/Her
Hometown: Pickering, Ontario
Program: Kinesiology, minor in French Studies
Plan for life after Brock: I would like to work as a physiotherapist!
Extracurriculars at Brock: Brock Ambassadors, Kinesiology Students’ Association, Brock French Club, CCO, Leaders at Brock, Brock Anatomy, intramural sports
#1 item on my BrockU Bucket List: Jump off the 10 meter tower at the pool!
Advice I would give my 1st year self: Slow down and don’t take everything so seriously – grades aren’t everything.
My favourite thing about Niagara is… the Brock campus!

Pronouns: She/Her
Hometown: Brampton, Ontario
Program: Master of Applied Health Sciences
Plan for life after Brock: Pursue my PhD and become a professor
Extracurriculars at Brock: I am a teaching assistant for the Human Systems Anatomy course!
#1 item on my BrockU Bucket List: Grape Stomp!
Advice I would give my 1st year self: Everything will work out the way it is supposed to! It is okay to change your mind and try new things!
My favourite thing about Niagara is… Port Dalhousie!

Pronouns: She/Her
Hometown: Oshawa, Ontario
Program: Speech and Language Sciences
Plan for life after Brock: To hopefully get into a master’s program!
Extracurriculars at Brock: Linguistic Network which is a club for my department in Applied Linguistics
#1 item on my BrockU Bucket List: To finally attend the Grape Stomp in my final year!
Advice I would give my 1st year self: To take things day by day and not worry about the little things. Everything will work itself out!
My favourite thing about Niagara is… Decew Falls! I love hiking and going for walks through the trails!

Pronouns: She/Her
Hometown: Oakville, Ontario
Program: Concurrent Education – Intermediate/Senior (Teachables in French and History)
Plan for life after Brock: I intend to teach Core French in Canadian high schools and pursue teaching positions abroad as well.
Extracurriculars at Brock: I am a member of Brock’s French Club.
#1 item on my BrockU Bucket List: Participate in one of Brock’s exchange programs.
Advice I would give my 1st year self: Be open to being vulnerable! You are in the same boat as many other incoming first-year students, so give yourself grace and allow yourself the opportunity to open up to strangers. Branch out and find new connections, there is always a place where you will be received!
My favourite thing about Niagara is… Its surrounding scenery! Whether I’m walking, taking the bus, or driving, being able to live in a region with so much water and green space is really beautiful and peaceful.

Pronouns: He/Him
Hometown: Los Angeles, California
Program: Medical Sciences
Plan for life after Brock: With my Brock degree, I plan on going into the medical field.
Extracurriculars at Brock: I love volunteering around the Niagara Region and at home. I love to represent the student community at Brock University Students’ Union or as an International Student Ambassador for the school. I am the President of the Brock Aviation Enthusiasts Club, an executive member of the Brock Model United Nations, and the Latinx & Hispanic Students Association.
#1 item on my BrockU Bucket List: Attend Grape Stomp!
Advice I would give my 1st year self: Be more relaxed, get involved in things!
My favourite thing about Niagara is… I love how green it is and exploring the nature it has to offer!

Pronouns: She/Her
Hometown: St. Catharines
Program: Nursing
Plan for life after Brock: To become a nurse! (duh!) Preferably, I would like to work on many different units to learn & gain more exposure!
Extracurriculars at Brock: Brock Canadian Nursing Students’ Association, Campus Wide Co-Curriculum, Golden Key, Faculty of Applied Health Science Mentorship Program
#1 item on my BrockU Bucket List: To be Boomer the Badger (again)
Advice I would give my 1st year self: I would tell my first year self to get involved and use all the on-campus resources as there are so many available!
My favourite thing about Niagara is… All the wineries!